Orokohanga Music Trust - Donate


How you can support us

Aroha Mai, Aroha Atu.

Love towards us, love going out from us.

If you would like to make a donation please either click the 'Donate Here' button on the right-hand-side of this page to donate via our Give a Little page (it will open in a new window) or you can make your donation directly into our bank account. Details are:

Bank: TSB
Account number: 15-3974-0040784-00

Please include your name in the reference section.

The future for Orokohanga Music Trust is bright.  

We are always grateful for financial support to ensure our future is sustainable.  Any donation, big or small will be put to good use.  We pay our wonderful music teachers of course.  None of our trustees or friends are paid.  All administration, legal, financial and other expertise is donated by Friends of the Trust.  

That means that your donation will be used directly for the benefit of our children, either in music tuition fees or instrument purchase or repair.

A number of private supporters make weekly or monthly donations to sponsor a child in our programme. This makes a huge difference to that child, their whanau and community.

Every little bit counts and we hugely appreciate your generosity.

Orokohanga Music Trust is a Registered Charity with legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005. Our reference number with the New Zealand Charities Commission is CC53380.

Donations to Orokohanga Music Trust of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.

Nga mihi nui and thank you from all of us at Orokohanga Music Trust for your generous support.